Friday, November 19, 2010

Hidden treasure found in children's park

A real treasure was found in a children's park yesterday. Peter, a 8 year old kid was the one who discovered it as he was digging a hole in the ground in order to found a treasure, what a weird coincidence, doesn't it?.
The authorities were noticed by Peter's mother, who was the only person who believed in his son when he scream: "I found a treasure" in the middle of the park. The treasure was demanded by different people who claimed it was theirs. Finally, the treasure was delivered to the authorities by Peter himself who was awarded
by the President of Chile.


  1. Anita, I hope you're OK
    I liked your story, I laughed at the end hahaha
    I just have to say something, there are some verbs that should be in past, and others in present.
    For example here: "in order to FIND a treasure"
    and "the only person who believed in his son when he screamED"
    and the other thing is the "doesn't it?" .. I think that it should have been "isnt it?"
    That's it, I hope you have a good weekend, see you on Monday :)
    Best regards

  2. !t was a fvnny story!
    Well ! re- read the story and ! agree w!th Ester !n the m!stakes that she fovnd. ! th!nk that the prepos!t!on wh!ch goes w!th demand !s FOR.
    And w!th the qvest!on tag! !t shovld be " wasn`t !t?
    ! really sorry abovt my wr!t!ng, my keyboard does not have some vowels!

  3. Hi Anita
    I agree with my classmates about the funny story you wrote.
    I think you made a mistake when you said a eight year old instead of an eight. The other one was the same as Ester said.
    Also, I think in your story there are less pasive verbs that it was supposed to have.

  4. =O Yes I think you're right!
    Thank you for the corrections :)

    Just in the case of "analise", it is the british spelling!.. with "S", weird but true
