Thursday, October 7, 2010

Lewis And Clark

This couple is called legendary because of their great feat in history.

In 1804 Lewis and Clark were the first ones that decided to make an expedition from the East of America to the West side. During the trip they found diferent tribes, animals and plants they have never seen before.
In my opinion I wouldn't catalogue them as heroes, because they didn't achieve something impossible, they just did what they believed in doing and they did it. In stead of calling them heroes, I would said they contribued enormously to they history of America, and specifically to the development of cultural and natural issues. Without their research and their good treatment with the tribes, the story would probably be very different.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Super Hero Powers

It is difficult to choose one superhero power, but if I had to I would choose the one that I have dreamed to have since I have memory. "The ability to fly".

I thing that fly is one of the things that human being has always dream about. And in my case, is not the exception. If I had this ability my hole world would change, the perspective of it. I would travel anywhere I want, without paying, I would see all the things I want to see. Actually, this is one of the most important points of why I chose this ability among the others. I have this real necessity to know the hole world. Get to know other cultures, live in different countries, it is my dream, no, not my dream, is my gold in life. And I work everyday to make my dream come true. To see everything I want, to live different lives is the only way to understand why the world is the mess it is.

Beside of that, It would really change my world and my realtionships, I mean, Iwouldn't be late to everywhere I go and people would not get upset anyomore for my  unpunctuality.

The superpower I wouldn't like to have, is the one that probably would like to have to the majority of the world. And that is to be able to "read other people's mind". Why not? Simple. I prefer to find out for my self what other people are thinking, I prefer to read their moves their eyes and decode for myself what they are thinking. On the other had, it is a very dangerous super power, I mean, It would only confused my mind. People think millions things at the same time and that doesn't really mean what they are. Sometimes I thing I want to kill somebody but I really wouldn`t do it.

In spite of all, I am happy they way I am. I know that it would be my dream to be able to fly, but after all, I don't need a super power because I know that I would achieve my gold.